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10 Activities to Keep You Busy During the COVID-19 Quarantine

Let’s face it, you’re probably pretty stressed out right about now. You may be going a bit stir crazy or just contemplating how to distance yourself from your kids now that they aren’t in school. The coronavirus has turned everyone’s world upside-down. Hopefully, as you’re reading this, it has only been a minor inconvenience. Whatever your circumstances you will need some ideas on how to fill your time even if you’re working from home. Without having your normal schedule in place, it’s a good idea to exercise healthy practices to stay mentally fit. Below are ten activities that are worth trying to reduce stress and anxieties when the world around us seems so uncertain.

1. Go for a Walk/Run/Jog

Whatever your pace, nothing clears the mind and sets you at ease like some movement outside. Whether you want to stay fit because your gym is closed or just want to get some fresh air, go for it! You’ll feel great from the endorphins and because you’ve accomplished something.

2. Listen to Podcasts

There are so many podcasts to choose from. If true crime is your thing, check out Last Podcast on the Left. The narrators go deep into research and details while adding humor along the way. Another humorous podcast to look into is Whitney Cummings’ Good For You. Not only is Whitney a wonderful comedian but she has interesting guests, and she often covers topics of mental health and well being.

3. Do Some Baking

If you’re at home and looking to entertain kids, want to give yourself a treat or test out that recipe you’ve been putting off – now is the time! A great dessert recipe if you want to keep things healthy but also decadent is chocolate avocado mousse. This chocolate recipe uses avocado without sacrificing incredible flavor. (You won’t even be able to tell it’s made with avocado; it tastes so much like a traditional dessert.) Try adding dates to the recipe or fresh berries on top!

4. Read a Book

Few of us read anymore, preferring to zone out to the television or scrolling on our phone after a long day. Life gets hectic and we forget some of the simpler pleasures in life. If you want to get back into to reading or are starting from scratch try a book with essays or short stories. David Sedaris is a master of witty, intellectual, and compelling humor. Pick up his book Me Talk Pretty One Day if you want something that is both lighthearted and heartfelt.

5. Call Family and Friends

When life gets busy we often put off checking in with family and friends. Now is the perfect time to see how everyone is doing. It takes effort to maintain relationships, so why not spend some time reconnecting with loved ones?

6. Organize Your House

Perhaps not the most enjoyable activity on this list, but certainly one that will make you feel more comfortable if you are spending more time at home. Don’t worry about going all out in one day. Set small goals like cleaning out drawers one day and a closet the next. You will certainly feel a sense of accomplishment and stress release having put in the effort.

7. Get Creative

When is the last time you simply drew a picture or painted? Most of us don’t even think about starting a new hobby. Don’t put any pressure on yourself to do something perfect or even good. Just pick up whatever tools you may have like a simple pencil and paper and to see what happens. Who knows? You may have an artistic flare you never knew existed.

8. Create a Vision Board

Now is the perfect time to set personal and career goals. Vision boards are easy to do and fun. Simply clip out pictures from magazines and glue them to a poster. Set positive intentions while doing so and remember to place your vision board somewhere where you will see it everyday so that you may continue to be inspired.

9. Pamper Yourself and Practice Self Care

There are so many easy and inexpensive sheet masks that you can pick up at grocery stores and pharmacies. For best results don’t forget to cleanse and exfoliate before you wear your mask. Apply the sheet mask and relax for fifteen to twenty minutes. Don’t exceed the time limit as the active ingredients need to stay moist to penetrate your skin. Follow with your favorite moisturizer. Below are some accessible options that you can find at most places where cosmetics are sold or even have Amazon deliver it so you can stay safe in your home.

10. Meditation and Yoga

Frankly, meditation and yoga are tough. It’s challenging to shut off your mind for long enough to feel as though it was worthwhile. When it comes to meditation start with this simple breathing exercise. Using your thumb close airflow from one nostril and gently breath a deep breath from the other. Switch your thumb to the nostril you just drew air from and release from the other. Repeat at least ten times. For yoga it is easy to go to Youtube and find something that is simple and for beginners. Below is one of the most effective we have found.

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